Thursday, January 26, 2006

Date: January 26, 2006
Weather: -41°C and Clear
Sunrise: 11:45
Sunset: 16:32

All-in-all it was a pretty quiet night. In fact it’s the first night I had off all week from my various activities. Being busy sure makes the time go fast.

The sun is becoming more and more prominent now. It gets light out at about noon and stays relatively light till about 4PM. Sometimes it’s cloudy, and that can cut an hour or so off the light.

Although the sun comes out, it stays very low on the horizon. There an optical illusion that makes objects on the horizon seem larger than they are. This is also true of the sun. Sometimes it seems impossibly massive, sitting on the horizon for a couple of hours and shines with muted light coloured in the oranges and red, rather than the white light you see when it’s high in the sky. It’s quite a neat experience.



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