Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Date: January 24, 2006
Weather: -32°C and Cloudy
Sunrise: 11:54
Sunset: 16:20

It’s pretty chilly today, and pretty dry too. We had to give in and borrow a humidifier from a friend. Yes you read that right – a humidifier. No, not a dehumidifier. Hmmm…humidifiers, being from Newfoundland, I always wondered why people needed those. Now I know why. Dry cracked bleeding skin, constant zaps from all things metal, nosebleeds, chapped lips, scratchy eyes. Ahhh, the wonders of incredibly low humidity. All made right with a humidifier…apparently!

I found out that there’s a Tai Chi class here in Inuvik. It’s on Tuesday night which, unfortunately clashes with Scotch night at the Finto. But they have it on Thursday night too, so I might try to go then. Gotta keep those priorities straight, huh? Tai Chi is pretty good, it’s a great stress reliever, and it can be as intense as you choose to make it. I think I’ll start off slow.

Life in general is going ok. Now that we are both working, we are actually starting to pay down some debt…very slowly mind you, but moving in the right direction for once. That said, an infusion of a quarter of a million would be nice right about now! Any offers?



At 6:13 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lived there, I've since jumped ship and moved south. I used to wonder why no one here had plugs hanging from thier cars LOL!

Great blog...

PS. some communities are dry so there is no liquor allowed (ie illegal).

swanky panky


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