Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Date: January 18, 2006
Weather: -18°C and Cloudy
Sunrise: 12:23
Sunset: 15:47

I will be traveling to Tuktoyaktuk tomorrow. It’s a couple of hundred kilometres each way on the ice that forms on the Mackenzie River. It will be the longest that I have ever traveled on ice. I hear the road is pretty wide but that there are some bumpy sections. Well, I’ll just have to take my time…yeah, right! I’ll be taking the camera and getting a couple of pictures for tomorrow’s Blog entry. Hopefully they won’t be picture of me trying to dig out of a snow drift!

It was warm today – only -18 C. Although that might sound cold, it really isn’t, at least not compared to -35 C (which is supposed to arrive on Saturday). Generally speaking, when it’s cloudy it’s relatively warm, and when it’s clear it’s relatively cold. The cloud cover acts as a blanket to hold in the small amount of solar energy that gets in during the day. When there’s no cloud cover, all that energy bleeds off the land and into the atmosphere.

It’s pretty quiet tonight. We’re just trying to get the spare bedroom-turned-office straightened away. It seems like an endless job. There are thousands of papers and items to sift through. We have thrown away a staggering list of stuff; there’s no space for it, and no need.

More tomorrow…



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