Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Date: January 11, 2006
Weather: -28°C and snow
Sunrise: 13:03
Sunset: 15:03

We spent some time organizing the house again tonight. The latest “task room” is the office. I finally got my main computer all set up and I developed a small network between it and the laptop. I have a wireless router ordered and as soon as I get that I will have the capability to use the laptop anywhere in the house and surf the net from it without having to have wires connected. Isn’t technology great!

Aside from the usual chores, I have been devoting some time to designing a new house. We really don’t have the resources to build a house here yet, but I like to play around with AutoCAD a little – just for fun. Designing a house up here has unique challenges. One, of course, is dealing with the permafrost issue. But these folks have been building houses and buildings long enough to deal with those issues. I’m talking mainly about the fact that there are no such things as basements here. Therefore, in order to get the floor space equivalent to a house in the south, you have to build with a big footprint, or else build multiple stories. Given that I am lazy and no big fan of stairs, my design has concentrated on the larger footprint idea. The challenge is to build with the floor space you want and still have it fit into the municipal building codes.

Lorie seems to be settling into her new position. I suspect though, that like the start of any new job, things are a little slow at first. That was my experience too, but that has now come to an end and things are just as hectic as I remember about my job in the south.

I’m still planning that trip to Tuk. Hopefully I’ll get up there the middle of next week.

That’s it for now.



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