Date: January 3, 2006
Weather: -16°C and cloudy
Sunrise: 3 days to go
Sunset: 3 days and 15 minutes
It was back to work today…and back to the grind. I was kind of hoping that the work up here would be a little more laid back compared to what I had been used to. I suppose it’s true that it is, but I have a funny feeling that it’s because I am new to the job. I shall have to wait and see.
Other than going back to work today, there was not much happening.
I stopped at a map shop on the way home from the office and bought a topographic map of the area around Inuvik so that I could study up on the terrain and the hydrological features of the land in preparation for hunting, hiking and ice fishing. Turns out the map shop is also the Sears catalog pickup location, and there was a package there that I had ordered before Christmas. This was surprising to me since the website said the item was back ordered. It was only by sheer coincidence that I got the package because the guy who rung up my map purchase recognized my name on the credit card and announced that there was a package for me. This is small town stuff that you just won’t get anywhere else!
I guess the other news that we got today is that our furniture has finally arrived. Turns out it has been here since the 28th of December, but they didn’t bother to call. Great company, huh?
They are set to deliver the furniture tomorrow at 1:30 PM. I dare say it will be a miracle if they manage to fit some of the bigger pieces though the narrow doors of the house we are renting. Hopefully it all works out.
Given that the electronics and such have been frozen for more than two months, it will take a day or two for them to thaw out to the point that we can plug them in. I suppose one more day without the toys won’t kill me!
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