Date: January 2, 2006
Weather: -18°C and cloudy
Sunrise: 4 days to go
Sunset: 4 days and 15 minutes
Today is the last day before I return to work. We pretty much just took it easy, walked the dog, and watched a few movies on the laptop.
Tomorrow it’s back to work, and it’s time to get in the swing of things and do a little house cleaning, get the shop in order so to speak. Lorie starts work a week from tomorrow. Then we can get back into a schedule and get our lives back on track. The focus for the next while (long while that is) will be to pay down debt, so we will really be watching the cash flow.
It was only about 18 below today, but when we took the dog for a walk we found that it seemed much colder. There was a little breeze and that may have had an effect. After a few minutes I found that my skin felt like it was burning. I have read that when your skin is exposed to temperature extremes like that, the nerve endings can misinterpret and send confused signals to the brain. I guess that’s what was happening today.
Tom K asks what things can’t be had up here. Well there are plenty of things that can’t be immediately had, but if one is willing to pay the price, anything can be shipped up. With the exception of a KFC/Pizza Hut Express combo there are no big chain fast food joints here. There’s no Tim Horton’s coffee shops either. Also there is no movie theatre; that’s one thing I do miss. Luckily I have enough high end home theatre gear to solve that problem. Unfortunately it’s on the back of a truck somewhere in Alberta!
That about does it for the second day of 2006.
Happy New Year & may your tidings be many & of course good.
Keep up the good work.... I enjoy the read .... In reading some of the previous blogs I see you are considering writing more. I guess you will be looking for a literary agent soon. Like always ....keep us informed about that & your planned hunting & fishing trips that you appear restless to get on.
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