Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Date: January 4, 2006
Weather: -21°C and cloudy
Sunrise: 2 days to go
Sunset: 2 days and 15 minutes


The house is in absolute chaos, but we have our stuff! The first thing I did (those of you who know me won’t have to read on from here) is put the TV and home theatre system together. After watching movies on a laptop for the last two months, the big 44” LCD monitor was fantastic; and the surround sound…amazing! I’m so happy to have it back. If you ever feel you are starting to not appreciate something, just put it away for two months, and you will gain a new appreciation, trust me.

We had actually forgotten some of the stuff we packed back in October and sent on. We now have enormous quantities of toilet paper, paper towel, tissues, and dry goods. Oh and four buckets of salt beef! It will be jigs dinner the weekend for sure!

Lorie has been working hard all day. The movers were exhausted when they left. Lorie and I have been at it since after supper too. It doesn’t look like we are getting very far, but we are both exhausted.

It will be weeks before we get the place straightened away. My earlier concerns were right; there’s a lot of stuff in this small house. Somehow the movers managed to get the big stuff in the house. They had quite a time trying to get the king size bed up the stairs though. I imagine we will have to leave it when we move because I don’t think I will ever be able to get it back down.

That’s about it for today…more tomorrow.



At 7:58 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

are there DVD/VHS movie rental places in the town?


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