Friday, January 20, 2006

Date: January 20, 2006
Weather: -34°C and Cloudy
Sunrise: 12:12
Sunset: 16:00

I made a trip to Aklavik today. Aklavik is a town to the west of Inuvik. In the 1950’s, it was thought that Aklavik was in trouble from the Mackenzie River. There was some flooding and erosion of the banks. The government thought that it would be a good idea to relocate the entire town to a more stable place. A variety of locations were inspected and considered until finally “East Three” was chosen. Eventually East Three was named Inuvik. Many of the people of Aklavik relocated to Inuvik, but some didn’t believe that the town was doomed, and they decided to stay. The town is still there and now has a population of about 750 people. The town logo is “Never Say Die”.

The ice road to Aklavik was very rough in spots. That part of the Mackenzie River system can be quite rough at times. Even this time of year the currents under the ice will churn the ice up to create sections that look like they have been put through a rock crusher.

Lorie and I spent a quiet evening together watching movies. It was quite chilly and outdoor activities are less attractive in the super cold air.

That’s it for now.



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