Date: January 25, 2006
Weather: -37°C and Clear
Sunrise: 11:50
Sunset: 16:25
Today was pretty quiet. There was a nice view of the sun today, better than most. It has been clear for the last while, so the sun is more visible. It still stays pretty low in the sky, but that generates some pretty awesome colours.
Our little humidifier continues to pump litre after litre of water into the air. Sometimes I can feel a difference in the “feel” of the air, while other times it feels just as dry as ever. We are still getting plenty of static electricity shocks around the house. I suppose the humidifier is undersized for the application. We may have to buy a larger one.
Because the sky is clear, it’s a little colder these days. It got down to -37 today. That’s pretty chilly, even for the folks who live here. Unless you are dressed for it and being fairly active, it gets you cold to the bone rather quickly.
That’s it for tonight.
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