Sunday, December 11, 2005

Weather: - 11 and cloudy
Sunrise – Ha ha ha…very funny Sunset – Shut up!

We slept in a little today and pretty much took it easy. We watched the curling match (looks like the Newfoundland rink will be representing Canada at the Olympics) and then went for a walk. Part of the reason for going for a walk was to check out a house that was for sale at the bargain basement price of $135,000. Well we quickly realized the reason that it was so cheap. Needless to say, we won’t be making an offer!

It was another nice walking day today, although a little colder than yesterday. Environment Canada says the cold temperatures are on their way back, though. I suppose that’s ok, being as we are above the Arctic Circle and all! What chores we had to do today were done on foot. Consequently the jeep never moved an inch. That rarely happened back home. It was nothing to spend fifty bucks or so on gas and put hundreds of kilometers on during an average Sunday. I guess there are some savings to be had by living here!

I may have mentioned it already, but there are a lot of snowmobiles here. You are just as likely to be passed on the road by a snowmobile as an automobile. I guess they are a basic mode of transportation here. I’m sure that in the summer the snowmobiles will fade and be replaced by ATVs.

Well it has been a pretty easy day and there’s not much else to write about for now. We have a few things planned for this week that will probably generate some topics for discussion.



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