Date: December 6, 2005 - Weather: - 38 and cloudy
Sunrise – 1:36 PM
Sunset – 2:01 PM
The sunlight is dwindling away every day. There are precious few sightings of it now, especially with the clouds. It was dark when I went to work today and well dark when I came home.
All of the locals I talked to today told me that it is colder than usual, and that this was the most snow they had seen this far in the year. It’s kind of good that we are experiencing the worst conditions up front. Once a few weeks of darkness are over, then things will only get better from there. Luckily our hotel room has its own gas fireplace to keep us cozy! Here’s a picture of it. Those are Ripley’s mittens drying by the fire.

Speaking of the hotel, we changed rooms today. The room we have now is very similar to the one we had, but with a kitchenette. We were able to have the first home-cooked meal in weeks. Lorie cooked a chicken and rice dish. It was great and I won’t want any more fast food for some time. Lorie picked up some ground Muskox meat which she will use to make another delicious dinner tomorrow night. Can’t wait!
I clocked off a few distances from our new home today. Here are the results:
- Home to work – 600 metres
- Home to grocery store – 400 metres
- Home to post - 300 metres
These sorts of distances should make for a light kilometre count on the jeep over the next few years! That a good thing considering we have 31,000 on it in just six months!
Your new home sounds like life in Bar Haven in the 50's and 60's . distance to work 80 feet (where the fishing boat was tied up) To the Post office 30 feet (next door) To the General store 300 Feet but food wasn't plentiful. Means of transportation, feet, sleds, boats and skates when the harbor was frozen over. (Our ice road) By the way, a fellow from Bar Haven is in charge of the ice roads up there, he got his experience from the harbor in Bar Haven.I hope you enjoy your enclosed spaces and keep up the blog
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