Date: December 4, 2005 - Weather: - 29 and cloudy
Sunset – 2:20 PM
We got up early this morning – 7AM (if you can consider that early). Actually, I got up early. Lorie “rested her eyes”.
My normal routine for an early Sunday morning is to take Ripley and go for a ride in the jeep, probably stop at Tim’s and get a coffee, maybe go to the Canadian Tire and buy some other tool that I will use twice in my life. Both ideas are out this morning though, as there is no Tim Horton’s, nor is there a Canadian Tire (Hmmm…brain wheels are turning!!) – plus there is no point in driving around in the dark. Hey, look at all the money I’m going to save, right?
Having a coffee down in the hotel lobby with the other “continental breakfasters” will have to do this morning. Maybe I’ll find someone interesting to talk to down there.
The sun will be up for exactly nineteen minutes less today than yesterday. And the weather forecast says -26 with light snow.
One thing that I forgot to mention in yesterday’s entry is that we have found our new home. We went to the rental office yesterday and dragged in the lady who will be handling our rental – it had been her day off. She didn’t seem too upset about be called in! We visited the house and we were pretty pleased with what we saw. Pleased enough that we will be taking out a six month lease on the place. We will likely move in on the 15th of the month. Just in time for Christmas.
The house itself is one of four in a row, and it was likely built in the early or mid 1970’s. You would never say though, because it had been completely renovated – top to bottom. There is all new flooring, new appliances, new kitchen cabinets, new lighting fixtures – everything is new. It’s a two story that has about 35 square meters per floor – that’s about 900 square feet for you non-metric folks. It has a full complement of appliances including fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer - and all these are brand new. It has three bedrooms and plenty of closets and storage space. The place looks excellent, although it is a lot smaller than what we are used to. We will have to figure out what to do with the appliances that are on the way here – I guess we will have to sell them. If we could find storage, I imagine that it ill be too expensive to make it worth our while to keep them until we have our own place.
We spent about a half an hour driving around town today. We went to the airport and the industrial park, and took a look around the shores of the
Actually I would have to say that this town is pretty typical of what you might find in
The rest of the day was basically spent in the hotel room taking it easy and watching TV. We had a pizza for supper – it cost us $20 GST included. I don’t think that was too bad a price to pay. I really don’t know what a pizza costs back home. Although I have bought my share of them, I never really took notice of the cost.
Tomorrow I plan to go into work and meet my new boss and make contact with Human Resources. I also need to get our temporary accommodations resolved. Otherwise we will sign the lease for our new place and check out other things like arranging for phone and cable services.
Here are a few pictures for you. First, here’s a picture of the sign welcoming visitors to

Also, here is a picture of Sadie, the mascot of the hotel we are staying in.

That’s it for today.
Hey Fair Travelers,
Good to see you made it there safe and sound (ok, maybe not sound)!
Your trip has been very interesting to follow, so keep up the good writing! How sad is my life when I look for your updates every night! No it is not because I want to move up there either. (:>}
Make sure you keep adding pictures to your daily drivel!
Take care and good luck in the life up north.
Tom K.
Lorne....Lorie.....once again...thanks ....please keep this going......just a fantastic geography lesson...I have relayed to Stefan in B.C. and I am sending it to my house for Janelle and Dave to read too.....lots and lots I didn't know, but only imagined about the great white North.......what I wouldn't give just to see a sunset......northern lights....the cold...the cold...and the experience of that vast part of our country....please take care of yourselves.....and most of all, enjoy the great experience you are having...good luck with your work to both of you.....
Lorie & Lorne,
Congrats on making it to your new home!!!! I'm really glad that you made it there safely.
Lorne to answer your question - civil engineers put curves at the bottom of steep hills .......... because we can!!!!!! Actually its the only place the really cool ones fit!
We got some snow on Saturday night and the ground was white Sunday morning (briefly) and then again this morning. I finally got that bridge deck poured on Saturday in the cold ( that would be about -4 in NS). Other than that not much.
Glad you found a place - especially one that is nice. Let me know when you come up with a phone number.
Talk to you both soon, stay warm!
Take Care
Lorie & Lorne,
Congrats on making it to your new home!!!! I'm really glad that you made it there safely.
Lorne to answer your question - civil engineers put curves at the bottom of steep hills .......... because we can!!!!!! Actually its the only place the really cool ones fit!
We got some snow on Saturday night and the ground was white Sunday morning (briefly) and then again this morning. I finally got that bridge deck poured on Saturday in the cold ( that would be about -4 in NS). Other than that not much.
Glad you found a place - especially one that is nice. Let me know when you come up with a phone number.
Talk to you both soon, stay warm!
Take Care
Okay so I build roads and try not to operate a computer too much!!! Lorie stop laughing!! :-P
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