Monday, November 28, 2005

Date: November 28, 2005 - Kilometers Traveled: 0 Weather: -15 degrees and light snow

Well we didn’t do very much today. We did a little more touring around Whitehorse and some Christmas shopping but not much else.

We were temporarily buoyed today when the Dempster was opened, at least the part that was closed because of high winds and blowing snow. The ice crossing and the avalanche areas still remained closed. But that all changed again this evening and the highway was closed again because of high winds and blowing snow. I hate this sort of waiting game. If I had a good snowmobile road closures wouldn’t stop me!
After two weeks on the road and staying in hotels, we are really starting to get tired of it. Between the hotel rooms and the restaurant food – well let’s just say that I’ll be happy to get my own bed back, and I think that I will cured of eating out for a long while!

Speaking of eating out…We ate supper in the hotel restaurant today. Well, one of them at least. It’s actually a deck. Now, normally it wouldn’t be very comfortable eating supper on a deck in Whitehorse, Yukon in minus fifteen temperatures. Luckily our deck was completely covered and heated with propane blowers. It was quite comfortable, actually. I had a pot pie – northern style. It was made out of Buffalo and Caribou meat…very tasty. Lorie wasn’t quite so adventurous, just having a burger. I’m sure the culinary adventures will come, though – with some gentle prodding!

Well today’s update is kind of short, because that’s what kind of day it was.



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