Friday, November 18, 2005

Date: November 18, 2005 - Kilometers Traveled: 650 Weather: Cloudy and Fair

Finally we are out of Ontario and into Manitoba. After we crossed the border, the highway opened up to a divided four lane road and the speed went up to 100km/h. We made much better time. We arrived in Winnipeg at about 3PM (yet another time change!). We will be taking a day off tomorrow and we will use that time to explore Winnipeg. The area we are staying in seems to be an older more run down area.

We saw a couple of trains today. One of them in particular had dozens and dozens of cars attached to it. One wonders why any company moves anything by truck...trains must be much more efficient.

Looking at the maps, the praries should go a lot faster than Ontario did. But we are in no particular hurry, so we will take our time. The real limiting factor right now are the ice roads on the Demsper highway. I checked the government website this morning and I found that one of the ice roads has been opened to light traffic...that leaves one to go. Of course it's important to us that they both open to heavy traffic so that our furniture can get there.

I posted these journal entries to an online blog last night and sent the link to a number of family and friends. We recieved a number of posisitive comments. I will probably continue on with the log, even after we arrive in Inuvik, I am sure plenty of interesting things will be happening, and the pictures should be great too.


At 2:45 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are in Manitoba already!! How is Ripley making out? Bet he is enjoying the trip. Daycare is not the same without him. I called one of the dogs yesterday Ripley. Anyway the log is great. Keep it up.

Chat soon,


At 1:46 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like you're having a great trip, that's my kind of trip, it would be a change from the ocean. Keep rollin' on.


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