Thursday, November 17, 2005

November 17 2005

Date: November 17, 2005 - Kilometers Traveled: 650 Weather: Cold, some snow

Arrived in Thunder Bay...finally!! I saw Lake Superior for the first time.

The drive was unremarkable. There were some ice covered roads and consequently some “white knuckle” moments! But we made it. There really is nothing between Thunder Bay and Winnipeg, so we stopped here a little earlier than usual. More relaxation time…

The highway between Napigon and Thunder Bay is called the Terry Fox highway. When I saw that I got to thinking about Terry Fox and his run. He started running in St. John’s Newfoundland and finished in Thunder Bay when he got sick again. I remember seeing him start the run on TV. I have now driven that same distance in a car. I have to say that it is unbelievable! Driving it is difficult, running it must have been damn near impossible…only a hero could run it with an artificial leg.

There is a monument for Terry Fox in Thunder Bay. Here is a picture.

Ontario has been great, but I won’t be sorry to see it slip by us tomorrow. Manitoba, then Winnipeg tomorrow. We will be taking a day off and relaxing in Winnipeg for an extra night….can’t wait for that break!


At 2:48 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lorne,

So glad to hear from you and Lorie and to know you are both safe and enoying yourselves. Quite an adventure so far - I really like the pictures - almost seems like we are along for the ride. Course, we are in spirit! I'll place you in my favourites - look forward to hearing from you - say hi to Lorie for me!!


At 8:42 p.m., Blogger Tom K said...

Hey Lorne & Lori,

Well leave it up to you Lorne to go across the country with something to say every square mile (so as to not be corrected by you kilometer)!! And if I must say so you have been quite nice to the rest of Canada so far! Keep up the good work! Well, I am glad I emailed you last evening to get this site.... It's good to share your trip! It reminds me of when I did it about 7 years ago by myself... and I did not need a navigator in Montreal (however I think I ruined a good pair of underwear (:>} ). I drove from St. John's to Edmonton in 5 days... Lets just say there were no threads left on the tires and my ear drums will never be the same from the pounding music! But the ride was definitely interesting.... I drove back a 1995 Firebird for a dealer (it had a vet engine..... Yes that is power... Ha)!
Anyway you certainly are driving at a more dangerous time so please take your time and be careful!

Stay in touch and I will keep checking in on your site!


Tom K.


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