Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Date: November 16, 2005 - Kilometers Traveled: 740 Weather: Rain/Sun/Snow/Freezing rain

Today was another mixed bag of weather. We had just about everything you can imagine. Of course the fact that we are traveling north and west accounts for some of that.

We are in Kapuskasing Ontario now. We will make a run for Thunder Bay tomorrow. Ontario is big...real big. The slow roads (90 km/h) and the road conditions are slowing us down more than I thought. We still have lots of time though. Today we had rain, sun, freezing rain, snow, blowing snow, drifting snow, and cold temps. When we started out in Pembroke it was 14C, and here in Kapuskasing it is 9C below, going to 16 below. We are a lot further north, I guess.

We came through a town called Moonbeam, this evening. See the photo of the spaceship.

The people of Ontario continue to be pretty good to us - great directions and lots of helpful hints. I am surprised at how nice the people are, actually.

It seems funny to me, but tonight I can hear the buzz and whine of snowmobiles whipping up and down the streets. That just seems real early for that, but it makes me happy!!

The four wheel drive, and antilock brakes, and $1000 high end snow tires all came in handy today. Having all those facilities makes it real comfortable driving around. I’m glad we have them, and we used them all today.

On the drive up here I remarked on two things. One being how flat the terrain is – quite amazing actually! The other thing is that there are so many home in disrepair or abandoned outright. I though Ontario was supposed to be rich…I suppose there are poor areas even in the rich provinces. Then on the other hand, I wonder what the few people who live in some of these communities do for a living…in certain areas there just seems to be nothing.


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