Sunrise – Maybe some time next month!
Sunset – Last time it set it didn’t come back up!
The weather was really nice today. No wind and about six below zero – basically a summer’s day in December. As well, it got relatively light out today. The sun didn’t come up, but it still provided light even though it was below the horizon.
Lorie and I took advantage of the great weather by going for a walk around Boot Lake. It’s a small lake pretty much right in town. There’s a trail around it and lots of opportunities to get out on the lake, which is, of course, frozen. There were plenty of snowmobile tracks on the lake. Despite the limited light, we took a few pictures. Some of those are posted below.
We took another trip to the Northmart (known locally as The Northern Store) to buy some more groceries. As usual it was not a cheap trip. We bought some steaks for tonight and some more Muskox meat for tomorrow night. The quality of the beef was passable at best, but I’m looking forward to the Muskox meat tomorrow!
The Leafs were on Hockey Night in Canada tonight, so I made a point of watching the game. It’s really strange to me, but the game comes on at 5PM here. I always remembered them coming on at 9:30PM back home, but I think it’s a little earlier these days. By the way, the Leafs lost.
You might notice a few of the changes I made today, including a site counter (so I can keep track of how many people visit the site), a link for a guestbook, and a profile picture. The guestbook is still a work in progress but you can use it if you want. It may be a little more complicated to use that the “comments” section of the blog. Feel free to use either, or both. I still have a few more ideas for upgrades, so stay tuned and check back often.

Hey Lorne & Lori,
Great pictures! It's interesting to see the great white north and all the great detail behind it! I tried your guestbook, but kept getting pop-ups so I gave up.
Weekend here was cold (for our weather)as we now have snow on the ground. We had some last week and again on Friday night. We went to the big city of Long Harbour for the night and decorated for my folks and bolted back for a hockey party at Mile One for my hockey players that I coach in Mt. Pearl!
Life is very busy with work and family life and of course there is so much to do with Christmas, etc! I am looking forward to the time of as I may finally get my taxes done!!! Yes Mr. Procrastinator I am!!!
Anyway, take it easy and keep the details coming on the new life as you know I don't have one any longer!!! (:>}
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