Weather: - 13 and partly cloudy
Sunrise – Vitamin D…I need Vitamin D!!
Sunset – Grrrrr…
It doesn’t take long for the human body to acclimatize itself. It was about -13 today and when Lorie and I went grocery shopping tonight, I didn’t even bother to wear a jacket. I couldn’t bear to wear a jacket while shopping. I know that sound ridiculous, but when you consider that there’s no wind, the air is incredibly dry, and you never have to spend more than a minute to get from anywhere to anywhere here, then it doesn’t seem too silly at all. I find that all the buildings are SO warm inside. I think people overcompensate for the cold outside. It is also warmer than usual and I suspect that the heaters and boilers are geared for colder temperatures.
So we did go grocery shopping at the store tonight. We picked up a turkey, and some other items to get us started in the new house. There were barely enough things to cover the bottom of the cart. The total came to $116.11. In fact here’s the list of items and what they cost…just for your interest:
Box of salt – $2.95, box of pancake mix - $4.59, can of cranberry sauce - $2.59, can of mushrooms - $1.85, one litre of ketchup - $3.65, bottle of mayonnaise - $6.49, case of a dozen boxes of Kraft Dinner - $10.99, Kraft pizza mix - $5.89, bag of macaroni - $1.29, bottle of pasta sauce – $2.35, pack of three cans of tuna - $5.99, roll of aluminum foil - $2.59, aluminum roaster pan - $3.95, two 2 litres of soda – $2.99 each, dozen eggs - $2.79, small container of sour cream - $2.99, small block of cheese - $7.99, three kilo frozen turkey - $22.23, three packages of imitation crab meat - $1.59 each, and three shrimp rings - $3.99 each. Add some tax and some bottle deposits, etc. and the total comes to $116.11. By the way, all these are super sale prices. I guess the grocery store felt so guilty about fleecing their customers over the last few months that they decided to “give” a few things away. If anyone has any recipes for the stuff we bought today, be sure to post them in the comments section. I think I’ll just mix up the salt, mayonnaise, and cranberry sauce for a nice unique meal!
Given the cost of food is so high, I decided to get some of my own…for free. Well sort of! I bought a small game license today. For $21.40, I get to hunt rabbits, grouse, and ptarmigan. The license also allows me to hunt squirrel and porcupine, but I don’t think they would taste very good!
I don’t have my shotgun yet, so I will have to snare some rabbits to keep us alive until our effects get here. Then I can go hunting for a few birds. The meat and birds that I have been given by a few people around town will have to do until then. Here’s a picture of our freezer. Most of this did not come from the grocery store.

That's ground muskox meat in the door. The white bags have muskox steaks and ribs in them and the birds are ptarmigan. Here's a closer look at one of the ptarmigan.

MMMMM....these will be tasty in a soup!
I also picked up some groceries last night. Some of the prices are noted below for the similar items.
fresh turkey 6.8kgs 33.00
sour cream 1.59
tin mushroom pieces .75
cranberry sauce 1.49
large eggs 2.18
I guess the with the winter soltice tomorrow or is it today... never quite sure of the date.... but anyway I guess you guys are glad to have turned the corner.... all be it a ways to go to sometime in January for visions of the sun (excluding the plane trips)
2500 km shopping trip - wow now I appreciate how closes I am to everything.
Keep the interesting info coming... good job
Dave M
You should try and track down one of those giant arctic rabbits and have it stuffed!
What by the way, is a muskox? I've heard of ox, elk, deer, moose, buffalo etc but not this.
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