Sunday, December 18, 2005

Weather: - 15 and partly cloudy
Sunrise – Nada
Sunset – Zip

It was a really nice day. Although the temperature was fifteen below, as usual there was no wind. That made for comfortable walking, and that’s what we did. We walked part way around Boot Lake and then across its ice and back to the trail. We walked three or four kilometres, but with the boots and gear I had on it felt more like seven or eight kilometres. I have decided that I am not in very good shape. I might have to so something about that.

I finish work on Wednesday and Lorie and I have been talking about a trip to Whitehorse to stock up on supplies and pick up a couple of things we need, things we can’t get in Inuvik. Our plan is to leave immediately following work on Wednesday at 5PM and drive the fifteen hours to Whitehorse. That might seem like a strange plan to southerners; to do all that driving at night. But you have to remember that the time of day is irrelevant. It will be dark no matter what time we decide to leave. So we will leave at 5PM and get there at about 8AM the next morning. We will do our shopping for about four or five hours and immediately leave at 1PM to drive back to Inuvik. We should get back home at about 6AM on Friday. Total distance we are planning to travel – 2500 kilometres. I will get some sleep in the jeep while Lorie is shopping and she can sleep while I am driving. If we decide we are simply too tired to drive back on Thursday night, then we’ll get a room for the night and leave early Friday morning to come back home.

Well that’s our plan anyway. That plan could change at any moment.



At 8:18 p.m., Blogger Tom K said...

Hey Guys,

Lorne, you never cease to amaze me! You will have no problem fitting in no matter where you go, and I am sure this place will be no different! I am sure we will hear all about your hunting trips, etc.... Actually I am looking forward to hearing all about them.

I was telling some people about your journey and they cannot believe what you did and how far you have traveled. One of the people said that they just could not handle the darkness! So, that being said, how are you adapting to it? I know you may not care but what about Lori?

So is there anything yet that you miss? Are you meeting lots of Newfies? Anyone interesting?

BTW, why would you drive all the way to Whitehorse? Do all the towns in between not have the shopping you require? Will you have to drive the same Ice-Roads you did on the way up? If so are you concerned that you will not get thru or back for that matter?

I guess you don't have your belongings yet to even worry about getting things up for Christmas!

Anyway, keep up the great writing (I do enjoy it, I know I have a sad life) (:>}

Cheers and Merry Christmas!


At 10:11 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys are having such an amazing adventure - and you are so generous with your time in sharing it with us. Wow - do you want to hear that a little part of me is jealous? :) Kinda!

Merry ho-ho-ho, yo-yo-yo, and so-so-so on....
- Jenn


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