Weather: - 19 and cloudy
Sunrise – Some time in January, I’m told
Sunset – Some time in September, I’m told
Well nothing really happened today.
There’s a charter going to Sach’s Harbour tomorrow morning and I will be on it. A contractor that does work for me up there has some materials to deliver, so they have chartered a flight. There’s some room on the flight, and they invited me to tag along. It’s a good opportunity for me to see my facilities up there, and just plain visit.
I am told that the journey form the airstrip to the town can be hazardous due to attacks by polar bears. I have a resident meeting me on his quad wheeler for that purpose. I love this!
I’ll be taking my camera and I will try to take some pictures, depending on the light. Just in talking to my guy up there, I am told that there is some Muskox meat there waiting for me. This is good!
Speaking of that, apparently the word is getting around that we are in town. An aboriginal lady showed up today to sell me meat, fish and clothes. She walked into my office with her wares, frozen and wrapped in plastic. She sold Muskox, Arctic Char and Wolf skin mitts. I bought the meat and passed on the mitts for now.
Arup asks what kind of game I am allowed to hunt. Well the answer is small game only, including rabbit, grouse, ptarmigan, and fox. As well I am allowed to fish. I can hunt big game only if I am accompanied by an aboriginal guide. I doubt I can wait two years, so I imagine that the latter will happen…eventually!
The trip to Sach’s Harbour will mean a long flight in a small aircraft. The list of equipment one is required to take is extensive, including survival gear, clothing, emergency food, and “contingency items” – they are unspecified in the manual. Should be interesting!
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